For Immediate
Release New Exhibitions Open With Winter Reception Patterns of light and dark are transformed by kinetic sculpture in Rutledge Gallery at Winthrop University in Rock Hill with an installation by Charlotte artist Kit Kube entitled Darkness Illuminated opening with a reception Feb. 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Also opening Feb. 9 in Winthrop's Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery are artists Susan Brenner, Page Laughlin and Leigh Ann Hallberg in Deliberate Interference, an exhibition of digital imagery, painting and sculpture that "peels back the layers of what seems normal." Both exhibitions continue through March 29. Nationally recognized artist Kit Kube constructs his kinetic light sculptures using what he calls artifacts. Indeed, his artifacts are intricately crafted mechanical devices recycled as art objects. Kube states, "With the decline of manufacturing industries, especially the textile mills, there is a supply of interesting materials flowing through scrap yards in the South. I frequently visit these scrap yards to prospect through the rivers of stuff." Kube's site-specific work entitled Darkness Illuminated creates a space of dancing radiance and shadow in the darkened Rutledge Gallery at Winthrop. His light generating sculptures flash across existing architectural details and bring the traditional space to life. Kube will present a lecture Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. in Rutledge Auditorium and Gallery. Elon University art historian and curator Kirstin Ringelberg selected the digital images of Charlotte artist Susan Brenner, the paintings of Winston-Salem artist Page Laughlin and the sculpture of Winston-Salem artist Leigh Ann Hallberg for an exhibition entitled Deliberate Interference in Winthrop's Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery. "All three artists make us stop, look at the details, and really think ñ what are we looking at, how does it relate to us, to our bodies, to our fantasies, to our sense of self," states curator Ringelberg. On March 22 at 8 p.m. in Rutledge Auditorium, Ringelberg, Brenner, Laughlin and Hallberg will participate in a panel discussion about the exhibition. Winthrop's innovative Windows with a View series continues with Spartanburg artist Doug McAbee's small-scale, painted steel sculptures in an exhibition titled Happiness is Boring. The exhibition in the Rutledge display windows adjacent to the galleries continues through March 9. McAbee will present a lecture March 1 at 8 p.m. in Rutledge Auditorium. Feb. 9 will be the last chance to see The Big Picture in McLaurin Hall's Edmund D. Lewandowski Student Gallery. The Big Picture features contemporary, large-scale digital images by Winthrop's advanced photography students. The exhibitions, lectures and Feb. 9 Winter Reception are open and free to the public.
University Galleries is located in the historic Rutledge Building
(1898 Alumni Drive) and McLaurin Hall (1896 Alumni Drive) on the
campus of Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C. Gallery hours are
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed weekends. For more
information call 803/323-2493, the Arts Hotline at 803/323-3000 or
visit the gallery web site at
www.winthrop.edu/cvpa/galleries. |
1109 E. 34th
Street |